xiaolong guan's profileXiaolong Guan's profile


About me
I am currently studying architecture and design at UTS insearch. After the end of this semester, I will go to University of Technology Sydney to study product design. When I first started contacting design, I was particularly interested in product design. A few years ago, I started to pay attention to the convenience brought by various products and what kind of products are in line with current social development trends. In the future, during my further studies at UTS, I hope that I can master more knowledge related to product design and have a deeper understanding of how product design can be organically integrated with social culture, economy and environment, and long-term development sustainability.

Design Idea Production
The product I want to design is a "green" helmet. I would like to explain my thoughts on why I want to design this helmet. In the previous preparations, I combined the beneficiary groups of helmets and the cost of making helmets to produce a survey book. I also made some reports on making helmets and designing helmets.
First of all, the income groups of helmets include motorcycle riders, bicycle riders and extreme sports enthusiasts, as well as construction workers. According to the survey, in China, motorcycle-related traffic accidents account for 51% of the total every year, and the death toll from motorcycle traffic accidents accounts for 63% of the total traffic accident deaths. Therefore, motorcycles belong to a high-risk group in traffic accidents, as well as a relatively disadvantaged group. In terms of casualties in motorcycle accidents, the death rate of knights reached 59.6%. The main reason was wearing inferior helmets and wearing helmets. The second point is that how to deal with inferior plastic helmets and scrap helmets has become the most difficult issue in environmental issues, because waste plastic products are difficult to degrade after entering the natural environment, which means that inferior plastic helmets, like "white garbage", are difficult to degrade. And processing.
Therefore, I am committed to designing this environmentally friendly helmet. First of all, my original intention of designing this product is to solve the problem of environmental pollution and dangerous behaviors that can be avoided in a specific social environment. The raw materials for this product are completely recyclable cardboard. In terms of technology and processing, I drew 4 sketches, a draft model and a final work. This helmet can completely wrap the head, can play a very good protective effect, and is very convenient in terms of handling, because the construction materials of the entire product are recyclable, and you only need to disassemble the product and put it into the recycling station. . In my opinion, products like this can effectively relieve the pressure on the environment caused by some plastic products.

The next two pictures are draft models made by me using tissue boxes.
The following five pictures are the final work I made.

Reference list

Chan, H., & Gao, J. (2012). Death versus GDP! Decoding the Fatality Indicators on Work Safety Regulation in Post-Deng China. The China Quarterly, (210), 355-377. Retrieved May 18, 2021, from http://www.jstor.org/stable/23510690

Xinhuanet.com http://www.xinhuanet.com/politics/2020-12/02/c_1126809938.htm


